Connect to AACT through your browser

This method for accessing the AACT database is recommended if you do not wish to install any software. You can run queries on the live database through your browser.


  • Users can share example queries that can be run on the live database, and if you write a query we encourage you to share it with other users.

  • We provide a list of example queries from other users at Queries that contain the following:

    - Title of query

    - Description of query

    - SQL code

    - User name of the person that created the query

    - Created at date of the query

  • At the top of the table there is a button, "New Query", that lets you create and save a new query.

  • The title of each saved query is a link to a page that displays the saved query details in a table called Saved Query. The Saved Query table contains the columns shown below:

    - Title of query

    - Description of query

    - Public checkbox to make the query public to everyone

    - SQL code

    This page also contains two buttons, "Edit" and "Delete", that lets the user that created the query edit or delete it. If the user did not create the query, the "Edit" and "Delete" buttons will not be displayed.

    Finally, this page contains a button "Execute SQL Query" that allows any user to execute the SQL to communicate and perform tasks on the AACT database. The "Execute SQL Query" button runs the SQL code and the output results are displayed in a table called SQL Query Results.

Connecting to AACT with Browser Process:



The Saved Queries page contains a table of public SQL queries that can be run to access the AACT database. See Example 1.

Example 1.

Saved queries index

Click on Queries to get started.



The title of each query is a link to a page that displays details in a table called Saved Query.

Click on a query title to go to that Saved Query page. See Example 2.

Example 2.

Saved query show

Query Results

The "Execute SQL Query" button runs the SQL code and the output results are displayed in a table called SQL Query Results. See Example 3.

Example 3.

Sql query results

Creating New Query

Clicking the "New Query" button takes the user to a form for creating a new query. See Example 4.

The New Query form requires the following information that the user needs to input in order to create and save the query:

- Title of query

- Description of query

- SQL code

- Public checkbox to make the query public to everyone


Clicking the "Public" checkbox lets the user to make the query public, thus allowing any user access to view and run the query. Not clicking the "Public" checkbox makes the query private and does not display the query in the Saved Queries table. Only the owner of the query will be able to see it displayed.

Example 4.

New saved query

Edit Query

Clicking the "Edit" button takes the user to a form for editing the query. See Example 5a.

The Edit Query form requires the following information to edit and save the query:

- Title of query

- Description of query

- SQL code

- Public checkbox to make the query public to everyone


Clicking the "Public" checkbox lets the user to make the query public, thus allowing any user access to view and run the query. Not clicking the "Public" checkbox makes the query private and does not display the query in the Saved Queries table. Only the owner of the query will be able to see it displayed.

Example 5a.

Edit saved query1

The "Edit" button will not be displayed if the user did not create the query. See Example 5b.

Example 5b.

Edit saved query2

Delete Query

Clicking the "Delete" button will delete the query and take the user back to the Saved Queries page. See Example 6a.

Example 6a.

Delete saved query1

The "Delete" button will not be displayed if the user did not create the query. See Example 6b.

Example 6b.

Delete saved query2