Where are EEG-related Clinical Trials Being Conducted?

Summary: Our goal was to create a map that shows the distribution of EEG-related clinical trials around the world. (As of March, 2017)

Details: The informatics team and business development at Duke Clinical Research Institute asked us to identify locations where EEG-related clinical trials are and have been conducted, and which of these studies are currently recruiting. We downloaded the most recent version of AACT and created a search function to return the NCT ID for studies where keywords, interventions or titles included the term 'EEG', 'Electroencephalogram' or 'Electroencephalography'. We used those IDs to generate a view of clinical trial information and referred a Tableau workbook to this view by defining it as the data source. The Tableau workbook attached here provides some of the graphics developed. (You will need to connect to the AACT database through a PostgreSQL connection using the credentials found at the bottom of the AACT website's Connect page. (Note, this use case was initially created in Spring, 2016 to serve as a proof of concept and help us design/develop AACT. The url provided is a link to a website that presents a preliminary version of the visualizations that were first created in May, 2016.)


Sheri Tibbs

[email protected]

Submitted: 2017-03-11 19:00:00

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