Summary: We are developing a crowd-source platform aimed at publicly highlighting well-designed studies.
Details: Clinwiki is a platform that will provide the public with tools to annotate clinical trials, flag missing or incorrect data elements, enter lay summaries and rate clinical trials on a number of dimensions including: Ease of participation Potential for breakthrough efficacy Side effect risk Quality of design Overall risk/reward Contributing users will be categorized into types: Verified Physician Specialist Medical Professional Scientist General User Within this, users will be ranked based on social metrics - #ratings/comments, upvotes of comments, etc. The website dynamically queries and retrieves clinical trials data from AACT and then saves user-entered values to a separate database administered by Clinwiki staff. Clinwiki is currently under development. A preliminary version is available at the link provided.
William Hoos [email protected]
Submitted: 2017-03-11 19:00:00