These instructions are for users who cannot connect to the live PostreSQL database or who want the flexibility of manipulating this information in a raw, conventional text-based format. The flat files can also be used to populate a non-PostgreSQL database. Each set of flat files is created every day from the most current version of the live AACT database. Each daily set of flat files is made available for download until the end of the month. On the first of each month, a permanent copy of the flat files is created, archived and will remain available for download from this website.
On Novermber 15, 2021 our database structured changed slightly. Monthly files generated after November 15, 2021 are not backwards compatible. They can still be loaded into an SQL server or used.
In Windows, this can be done by right clicking on the file and selecting ‘Extract All…’ from the menu. You will be given the opportunity to choose or create a destination folder to contain the extracted flat files. Once the file extraction has completed your destination folder will contain the extracted flat files. Files are named according to the database table to which they correspond, for example studies.txt contains the records and variables from the studies database table.
The flat files can be read with many software tools. The files can even be opened in MS Excel (specify the pipe character as delimiter), however some of the files are very large and this is not recommended. Tips are provided for SAS and R software.